Friday, December 05, 2008

Acid 3 Test results are in

On Fedora 10...listing highest to lowest.
  • midori 0.0.21 (webkit): 100/100
  • epiphany 2.24.1 (gecko 1.9) : 71/100
  • firefox 3.04 (gecko 71/100
  • firefox (gecko 53/100
Good work midori!

Monday, December 01, 2008

VMWare Remote Console for ESX on Linux

Face it, VMware Web Access sucks. As a linux user your options for controling a VM suck. The experimental Kodiak provides some hope but I found it slow and couldn't display a remote desktop. It's in beta so I'll give them a break. Anyways the sad fact is linux users had it better with vmware-server 1.x, which is free, but then again it's not ESX. Well, new shit has come to light my friends. The other day I was poking around with the vmware-server 2.x web plugin, that was installed on my system from an experiement months ago, and noticed it can be started outside of a web browser, connect to ESX, and even offer dynamic screen resizing!


  1. Download a copy of VMware-server-2.0 tar for linux
  2. Extract vmware-server-distrib/lib/webAccess/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.16/webapps/ui/plugin/vmware-vmrc-linux-x86.xpi from the tarball

  3. Using gnome file-roller open the .xpi and extract the contents
  4. Now go into the plugins directory

  5. Run ./vmware-vmrc and connect to your ESX!